New online courses offered by Equipe Training & Partners
COVID-19 has disrupted day-to-day life of everyone. The required measures of social distancing and isolation has meant that most people are now confined to a make-shift desk in their own home in order to complete their work. However, many are taking this enforced office-time to make sure that when they do return to fieldwork, they hit the ground running.
Considering this, here at Equipe, we have been busy adapting and shaping our current geotechnical and health and safety courses to suit the current climate and to best service your needs. We have worked tirelessly so that we can continue to provide you with the training courses you require. This means when normality does resume and we are all free to return to work outside, you have everything you need to get stuck straight in.
In what format will the courses be delivered?
At Equipe, we firmly believe that in order for paying customers to get the most out of a training course, they need instant access to the experts delivering it. That means that our preference is always for training to be delivered in person. However, in the current climate this isn’t possible. Therefore, we have turned to the next best available option – training delivered live via webcam.
Considering this, we have adapted a number of our courses to be deliverable online via the GoToTraining platform that enables trainers and learners to instantly interact and receive real-time questions and feedback, whilst the course is being delivered. The platform also enables trainers to webchat direct with the trainers for one-to-one tuition if required.
Each course will include live handouts, group discussions and interactive tests and assessments to ensure maximum learner engagement.
Does this mean I have to sit in front of a computer for 8 hours straight?
No. Not unless you’re booking a bespoke course and want to complete it in one sitting.
Instead, for our open courses, we will be splitting content down into more palatable modules of 2 to 3 hours and spreading them across multiple days. Most one-day courses will now be split into two consecutive half-days, with breaks and pauses for comfort breaks – much like in a face-to-face training session. Further details of exactly how the courses will be split can be found on the Equipe website.
Which courses will be available online?
Whilst we are looking to make our full suite of courses available online, currently the courses scheduled to be delivered online are listed below:
- IOSH Safe Supervision of Geotechnical Sites
Duration: Three blocks of two consecutive half days - IOSH Avoiding Danger from Underground
Duration: Half day theory (delivered online), half day practical (delivered post-COVID-19) - IOSH Working Safely (on Geotechnical Sites)
Duration: Two consecutive half days - Managing and working with Asbestos Risk in
Ground Investigation (MARGI)
Duration: Two consecutive half days - Soil Description Workshop
Duration: Half day theory (delivered online), half day practical (delivered post-COVID-19) - Rock Description Workshop
Duration: Half day theory (delivered online), half day practical (delivered post-COVID-19)
How do I access the training?
Simply check the Upcoming Courses on our website, fill in the registration form as you usually would, and then you will receive a link to join the training session via email. The link to join will work as soon as you receive it, but the course will only go ‘live’ the morning the course is scheduled to be delivered.
What hardware do I need?
Ideally all learners will have access to a computer with a webcam/microphone in order to ensure as much opportunity for trainer/learner interactivity as possible. If you don’t have access to these, there is a live chat feature that you can use instead, although obviously this isn’t as immersive and beneficial for the learner.
Will I have access to course materials?
Handouts will be issued during the course of the training just as they would in person, however they will be delivered as a PDF. For courses that usually have handbooks for learners to complete as the course progresses, we will be issuing the full handbook as a PDF ahead of the course beginning so that you can either print the handbook to complete via hand at home, or alternatively the handbooks will be available as interactive PDFs for you to complete on your computer.
Will I still be assessed?
For courses that grant learners an official qualification following completion, there will be live tests throughout the training to assess learner knowledge and to qualify learners for certification. If you fail these tests in real-time, much as with the courses in-person, there will still be resits available. For courses that provide only CPD evidence rather than official qualifications, certificates of attendance will still be issued.
What about pricing?
Course costs will remain competitive, but you save by not having any travel or accommodation expenses. Now you just get to soak up the knowledge from your own home! Full prices are available on the Equipe website.
What about other courses?
If you have a specific course in mind and have a minimum of 6 delegates to undertake the training, we can look to adapt our content to best suit your needs.